Our School NSS Unit comprising boys has entered its seventh year with a commendable track record of service to humanity. It has 25 volunteers. The total period of service for an NSS volunteer is 2 years. This scheme aims at arousing an awareness of the realities of life and a better understanding of the problems faced by people. It is a definite attempt at making education relevant to the needs of the society.
Our school NSS unit carries out many regular activities every year. In addition, a special residential camp for seven days is held for the first year NSS volunteers during terminal holidays. A village is adopted for a period of 3 years and the needs of the villagers are attended to by our NSS Unit.
Our volunteers have created awareness among the residents of the adopted village about environment and the need for cleanliness. Other service activities that benefit the locals include clearing the weeds on the temple premises, planting saplings, organising medical camp, screening short films about great leaders and so on.